《烈日风暴》在线观看地址:/yscontent/83679.html 欢迎把《烈日风暴》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影烈日风暴讲述:The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyage of the first-ever trans-lunar passenger ship is about to make history. Among those on board: First Lady Simone Mathany, space-exploration entrepreneur Steve Roebling, Dr. Denise Balaban, pilot Fiona Hensl...

烈日风暴是由Michael Robison执导、David James Elliott,Anthony Lemke,Natalie Brown等领衔主演的科幻,在2013上映播出,中动影视提供了烈日风暴在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。