

走出荒野的狼 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:第1节 走出荒野的狼(4)小诸葛对同学说:“劝劝呀!”他的确了解郎辛。郎辛在劝说中更坚定了不去的信心。八点钟,戴茹楠来到了郎辛的寝室门口:“郎辛出来一下。”小诸葛带头起哄,郎辛厉害,到底亲自来了。戴茹楠强忍着眼中的泪水,等待着。郎辛披上棉大衣和戴茹楠来到了校外。两个人默默的走,都不说话。这是一年之中最冷的季节,戴茹楠洋气穿的很少,不久就冻得瑟瑟发抖。郎辛脱下自己破旧的棉大衣,给她披上。“我不穿破大衣,你想让我成为妖怪呀!”戴茹楠耍起了小性子,采取这种方式宣泄自己的不满。郎辛的心理很不舒服,他不在意戴茹楠发脾气,他忌讳那个“破”字。但还是说:“晚上没人看见,穿上。”“我不穿!”戴茹楠嚷道。边说边抖。郎辛没有办法,拾起掉在地上的大衣自己穿上。寒冷的冬季在外面无法久留,两人上了公共汽车,选择了了火车站。进入候车室,找个不显眼的地方停下。“对不起!我不是故意的。”郎辛用道歉的方式打破了僵局。“你不去……应该是全本了

《走出荒野》在线观看地址:/yscontent/52266.html 欢迎把《走出荒野》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影走出荒野讲述:Out of the Wild is the story of Henry McBride, a down and out cowboy with a painful past he can't drink away. Living on his last dollar with nowhere to go, he ends up working the last place an old cowboy wants to be: A dude ranch. It is here he meets the owner, Jessie King, a no-nonsense rancher with a deep love for horses. McBride's self-discovery begins when she introduces him to a new way of training a troubled mustang, a horse whose past and temperament mirror his own. As the story brings together the paths of these two beaten souls, man and horse, it is King that sees a shared spirit deep within them- One that is hidden beneath anguish, torment, and years endured in the darkest of places. Behind the broken heart of a family lost, a soul tormented with guilt, and an endless haze of booze to dull the pain, she knows McBride is at heart a good man. Just as she knows the mustang can once again find that spirit, so too must McBride. What transpires is a story of redemption, moving McBride beyond even his deepest wounds to discover a life he never thought possible.

走出荒野是由Paul Krizan执导、约翰·迪尔,珍·路易莎·凯利,Haley Finnegan,凯文·麦克克科尔等领衔主演的动作,在2017上映播出,中动影视提供了走出荒野在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷。