

第一集Russian House过程惊险凶手出乎意料,涉及了战后丘吉尔的落选及斯大林的残忍阴暗面;第二集Killing Time围绕军队中的种族歧视,结果不难预料,相对弱些;第三集The Hide采取一起审判揭露一起旧案的双案形式,人物心理刻画到位,揭秘一幕尤其经典,也留下了James身世和Foyle赴美两个悬念。

《战地神探第二季》在线观看地址:/yscontent/8483.html 欢迎把《战地神探第二季》网址分享给身边的影视爱好者谢谢! ,电影战地神探第二季讲述:Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war.  Among the Few--Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive.  War Games--Divided loyalties lead to revenge and murder when a busine...
